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Keyword: mobile web

Mobile Apps Part 1 (Advantages/Disadvantages)

2018-07-24 18:23:00 by Andrew Puckett

Many companies wonder whether they need a mobile app or not. It's an especially appropriate question if they already have a website properly optimized for mobile use. What value would a mobile app bring that their website can't or isn't currently providing? What type of mobile app is best for them?

First, let's take a look at what value a mobile app can bring that a mobile website just can't deliver. Probably the most obvious is that phones and tablets have certain features that are only accessible to apps and not websites. The list of these features is shrinking but apps that rely heavily on the device's native hardware such as games and augmented reality just wouldn't work on a mobile website. In this case, a mobile app is necessary regardless of other factors.

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