New Site Launch

2017-09-12 14:33:00 by Andrew Puckett

We're really excited to launch the new website today. Even though it's been less than three years since we updated our web presence so much has changed. We all know that technology moves fast but this made us realize just how quickly it shifts. One of the biggest changes is the introduction of HTTP2 but that's not to minimize the effects of new SEO strategies like structured data and Accelerated Mobile Pages. Our new site sits on a brand new framework that's designed to be lightning fast, secure and capable of rapid development. Here are just a few of the improvements.

  • HTTP2
  • Cache Optimization
  • Structured Data
  • Improved Framework
  • Lightweight Javascript (No jQuery)
  • Full CSS3 (No more IE compatibility concerns)
  • Better customer engagement tools

It's been a long time coming but with these changes we're seeing drastically reduced load times and bandwidth usage. This is especially important for mobile users. Now that mobile search is the predominate form of consuming information it is critical to think of the special needs of these users. Now that all major browsers are well behaved (looking at you IE8) we can do away with bulky frameworks like jQuery. This saves loading time and bandwidth. Big gains are also made in this area with the move to HTTP2 and request pipelining. The reduction in page load times also pays dividends in the SEO realm. Both users and search engines prefer faster loading pages. There are rumors that sites that use HTTP2 will soon be viewed more favorably by ranking algorithms in the same way that using HTTPS and offering mobile friendly sites have helped in the past. A lot has changed in the past three years and we're sure that a lot will change in the next three years as well. It's been an exciting process and a lot of work but we think that it's paid off.


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